Monday, April 21, 2008

Chapter 6: The Great Escape

My stomach was rumbling that night. I haven’t eaten anything since this morning. I wish I ate during dinner. But, I hate facing Ingrid (I will never call her step-mom or mom for that matter) and that shirtless jerk who stole my room. I’m not also in the mood to be with my father because of my bad behavior. I know he’s angry at me but who cares anyway. My tummy rumbled again. I have to eat!

I went outside my ‘new’ room then went down the banister. It was dark and I can’t see anything in my way. I don’t want to wake anyone up by turning on the lights either. I tiptoed my way to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. Inside, I saw some food so I took them out and settled them in the table. I didn’t bother to heat them in the microwave for I can’t take my hunger anymore.

That Ingrid can sure cook delicious food.

I was enjoying my little meal when the kitchen lights suddenly went on. My eyes adjusted on the sudden brightness of the room. When I can see clearly, the figure of the shirtless guy stood before the kitchen door.

I thought there was someone here.

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